No matter how simple it looks like, planting a tree has its own advantages and disadvantages. Planting your tree with care, properly, will set it up to flourish long years into the future. Here’s how to do it.
The right spot is one of the most important things when it comes to planting a new tree. If you want your tree to shine and bloom a lot choose a tree that will luxuriate in the heat. If you want to beautify a shady corner, choose something that will tolerate those conditions.

Before you decide to buy a tree make an assessment of the available space you have at your garden, and what quality real estate can you offer. Is the ground full of clay, sandy, or dry? Is it moist, or wet, wet, wet…The more information you know, the better tree you will choose.
Digging a hole is easy, right? Well, digging a hole for your tree should be the same depth as your tree’s root ball, with the soil coming just up to the base of the tree’s trunk when buried.

Dig the hole wide enough so as to leave several inches of space all the way around the tree to encourage rapid, easy root growth.

As you fill in the hole, tamp down the dirt. Over time, your tree will sink along with the dirt that surrounds it. Prevent this by packing in as much dirt as you can.

Be kind to your tree and give it plenty of water in its early months to ensure a smooth, happy transition to the ground. Unless it’s raining frequently, your tree will need a long drenching drink every few days. Once your tree is established after a year or so, feed it if necessary. Newly planted trees do not need to be fed. Fertilization will encourage shoot and leaf growth!
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