You can create your own soil mix that can go with most plants that you want to grow. Its easy. You can purchase all the ingredients at Buy directly ready mixes as well. If you want specific ( customized ) soil mixes, visit us at

Taste Fresh and New Flavours from Your Garden. Enjoy the fruits / flowers of your labour.
Grow what you Eat. Eat what you grow.
For further details on Plant & Plant care, do visit us at
Do try our products like Naturally Green Cocopeat, Naturally Green Vermicompost, Naturally Green Perlite and many more for complete garden care.
We endeavor & encourage people to grow their own food. Grow what you eat. Eat what you grow. Go Healthy. Go Safe. Stay in Control.
Increase green cover by making space for naturally live plants for a healthier, happier and greener life.
CONGRATS! NOW you are in control.